In our company, we hold environmental protection and economical use of energy dear. We pay attention to the careful handling of environmental protection and energy-efficient work in all our business areas on each day. In order to reinforce the awareness of environmental protection and resource conservation among employees, we offer and execute continuous training courses.
In addition, we also regularly certify ourselves according to DIN ISO 14001.
Sustainability is of great importance in our entire production. It is not without cause that we pursue and live the principles of our FSC certification. he handling of particularly protected forests, the prohibition of genetically modified plants or the fight against illegal woodcutting and timber trade are only a few extracts from our FSC guidelines.
We regard the purchase of 100% green electricity as well as the use of CO2 neutral products from our partners such as GoGreen as a matter of course.
Privacy protection and data security
Data protection plays an important role in our company. The protection and security of customer and company data is essential and indispensable for our daily business.
As a member of the DDV, we bear the quality and performance standard seal ("QuLS-Siegel"), which obliges us to comply with quality and performance standards beyond the statutory requirements in the range of data protection, data security and quality successfully every year. Video-monitored entries and exits of our production realize the high degree of our data protection regulations as well as sophisticated IT infrastructures. Furthermore, we set up our data protection requirements according to your individual company requirements. In order to meet your requirements, we jointly conduct numerous internal and external audits every year. In our company, data protection is checked and measured objectively by an external data protection officer of the German TÜV.
In addition to the ongoing care of our customer relationships, we do a lot to build new and strengthen existing business partnerships.
Parallel to our long-standing memberships in the Federal Association for Printing & Media (bvdm) and the German Dialogue Marketing Association (DDV), we dedicate our personal relationships to a large number of European postal service providers. Particularly appreciable are our comprehensive partnerships with Deutsche Post AG in Germany and LaPoste in France.
As an international, active media service provider, we regard social responsibility as an important component of our corporate philosophy. By Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we pursue our own responsibility for the impact of daily economic actions and decisions on society. Within this framework we are responsible for social, ecological and economic aspects.
In order to make our entrepreneurial activities transparent to our external and internal stakeholders, we have undertaken a review and determination of our CSR status since 2015. In the first instance, we have already reached the silver status by the sustainability assessment platform ecoVadis. Thereby we are able to meet our internal requirement to corporate social responsibility.